By: Zulkifli Wahijan
Muslim Care Malaysia condemns in the strongest possible terms the brutal massacres committed against the unarmed peaceful participants of the Great Return March who were trying to express their desire to gain their legitimate rights which are guaranteed by the international law. 58 Palestinians were slaughtered including children and 2771 others were injured within less than 24 hours of nonviolent demonstrations demanding the implementation of the UN resolutions, most notably UN 194.

This massacre took place concurrently with the inauguration of the new US embassy in AlQuds. Muslim Care strongly denounces the heinous step of moving the American embassy to Jerusalem and considers it as a blatant insult against all Muslims all over the World.
We are still following with too much concern the Zionists’ very grieve violations against the international law; where their cowardly filthy soldiers have deliberately targeted with live ammunition innocent armless people including journalists and paramedics. We call upon the whole world to show seriousness regarding its intention to maintain justice and security for all people particularly the Palestinian refugees who are the responsibility of the United Nations.
Moreover, we demand the Security Council to assume its duties and authorities to act now to provide the needed protection to the Palestinian refugees to stop the repulsive massacres committed against the defenseless protestors and to avert any possible further bloodshed. The Security Council must make sure that its resolutions are respected in light of the Zionists’ repeated breaches and provocations against the just rights and national aspirations of the Palestinian people.
We urge the Western countries and the international community to take concrete measures to curb the Zionist perpetrators and to hold them accountable as well as bringing them to the international criminal court.
Muslim Care Malaysia also calls upon our new government and his Excellency Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, the Prime Minister of Malaysia to exert his utmost efforts to continue his very well-known pro-Palestine stances and to maintain the consistent public support of the struggle of the Palestinian people. We wish to see him utilizing Malaysia strong position in the United Nations and the Security Council to issue new resolutions that coerce the so-called “Israel” to abide by the international law.
Muslim Care Malaysia stresses its unshakable religious and moral commitments towards the Palestinian people and announces the establishment of a new campaign to help them by all means. In this regard, we encourage our fellow Malaysian brothers and sisters to generously donate to help us implementing new projects to help the needy Palestinians. We advise everyone to seize the golden opportunity of the upcoming blessed month of Ramadan to allocate portions of their Zakat to help the Palestinians maintain their defiance and steadfastness.
We call upon all the Malaysians as well as all the respected non Malaysian communities to show their solidarity with the Palestinians and the Great Return March and to express their rejection of moving the US embassy to Jerusalem by participating in the massive demonstration which will be held on Friday 18th May 2018 in front of the American embassy in Kuala Lumpur immediately after Jumaah prayer.
Zulkifli Wahijan is President of Muslim Care Malaysia
FB: Muslim Care Malaysia Society
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